So, apparently, there's a new trojan horse floating around in the form of a PowerPoint slide show, which promises to educate the user on the Kama Sutra. It may be called "Real kamasutra.pps.exe," but could have any name. While the slide show may actually have images of Kama Sutra positions, there is a malware program embedded inside the executable that allows an attacker to take control of your machine, at which point they can steal your info, or enlist your services in their botnet.
Attackers prey on weaknesses. People have two major weaknesses: money, and sex -- not necessarily in that order. Put them together (money-free sex) and it's the perfect storm of human weakness.
For some it may go without saying. For others, not so much. Just stay away from the "free sex." You may not pay for it now, but at some point, you will. And for g-d's sake, don't fool around with anything with a ".exe" extension, unless you know where it's been. . . and you've both been tested.
Safe Surfing!