Monday, January 30, 2012

What the Eff is the EFF?

The EFF, or Electronic Frontier Foundation is associated by some to 'hackers' and trying to get hackers or other alleged criminals out of jail. However, they have a much more sinister motive -- To protect people just like you and me, and their digital rights. In the world we live in, most of our information whether public or private exists in digital format. Is it protected?

Well, there two ways of looking at protected; the first would be protected from the bad guys, and second would be protected from Big Brother. There's nothing we can do as individuals to help protect our data from the bad guys, so let's concentrate on the other.

The EFF works vigorously to help ensure that your data is protected from Big Brother -- usually by fighting for your 4th and/or 5th (among others) amendment rights. Look them up if you don't know what they are. Really. Look them up right now if you don't know what they are. These are your rights, and you should understand them. I'll wait...


Some would say that "if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't be concerned by Big Brother looking into your data;" but really that's not the point. The point (as so graciously noted by the founders of this country) is that I should not have to fear anyone searching my data without just cause, nor should I fear torture or other means by which I may utter words to incriminate myself.

I attended a conference this past weekend in which there were two talks given by folks that work at the EFF. They are intelligent and well versed in both law and technology -- oh, and they're nice people too.

Do you have a 'rooted' smart phone? You can thank the people at EFF for working to ensure you're not arrested for playing with something you own. (Which by the way is up for debate again.)

Do you use a Tivo or DVR? You can thank the EFF.

In more complicated matters such as encryption, a woman in colorado (yes, an alleged criminal) is being forced to decrypt data that she encrypted. As I said, it's more complicated than that, but the underlying issue is privacy and encryption, Can we say "Slippery Slope?"

They are also staunchly opposed to SOPA/PIPA.

What's the point I'm getting at? Well. . .

Some of you have probably never heard of this organization, and they fight every day to protect your rights. I know it's easy to throw money at a corporation and get a song, playing device, phone, TV, etc. . . Also, might I ask what your congress critter has done for you lately -- or in the past decade for that matter?

How about giving some to the folks who are trying to help protect us from these corporations and greedy fools in congress.

I know it's a tough economy, but please join or donate to the EFF. They're good folks trying to help protect your rights.